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Jonas Grant is the name of a character I wrote in 2008, not the first I created, not by a long shot, as I was writing as early as 2004, but his story is the first I ever wrote for an audience instead of just for fun, therefore I have been using that nickname on writing sites for years now, to remind myself just how far I've come (And how far I've yet to go.)



My real name is Maxime, I am a french canadian who has been trying to write novels for many years now and has so far never had time to fully finish anything. I write Fan Fictions as they gather the most attention and feedback, but have been unable to attend writing classes, meaning what little I know about writing was self taught. For every good story I produce there are a dozen horrible prototypes festering somewhere.

I'm not aiming for international fame or anything, but I would be overjoyed if I could pay the rent with my writing... A man can dream.




Jonas Grant

Max Forge

Eiden Black

Max Ross


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